Where am I now?
This is a subscription management page, you can also find the answers to the most frequently asked questions here.
Why was payment made without my consent?
You got trial subscription on the website, it is renewed automatically for several days or a week with the help of recurring payment which you agreed to when making payment.
Why did it happen without any messages or confirmation?
We use recurring payments also known as automated payments – it’s a feature allowing to charge the buyer’s bank card or e-wallet without his or her participation for making a new payment and without repeated provision of the card details.

Recurring payments are also used by such companies as Yandex, Google, Amazon, IVI, Netflix and many more.

Choose payment method

Please enter the number of the card provided during registration: specify only the first 6 and the 4 last digits
All data is transported over an encrypted channel built with the use of TLS protocol. Using this page is absolutely safe.
You provide only a part of the data – it’s safe.